Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Biscuits and Scones: The difference

I have been shown the delights of Columbus Auburn, pound cake and the desert section of a supermarket.

"Oh enormous Fantasy Double Chocolate Fudge Cake. You shall be mine to place my entire face into for the bargain price of $19. Come, come to me"

Went to pull on the teats of the cow outside the Columbus Best Buy, which I am told is a rite of passage (see picture of fabulousness) For those out of the know. Best Buy is an electrical store (see I said store, I am totally getting this American speaking) where I purchased my american phone for $1, yup $1. Now that is cheap folks!

Also I have been fortunate enough to have experienced my first Southern family barbecue, with the delightful twice baked potatoes that must go into my repertoire or rather my mother's, for her next barbecue.

If looking at these new pictures of myself and you notice an extra ass cheek, next to the normal left cheek, that is due to eating only two slices of pound cake. The Duchess' grandma's recipe. God bless the women.
and god bless the pound cake and all who sail in it.

Went to the Cracker Barrel, which is not just eating but 'an experience' of the old school kind. Tried American biscuits.

Here may I send out a warning to all English visiting the US.

One cannot dip said 'American Biscuit' in ones tea. (Also, as a side note. One's tea will not be lactated to English standard. You must ask for milk to complete our well known and loved beverage.)

The American biscuit is not Hobnob-like, or Rich Tea-y, or even Bourbon-esque. Tis a meal food, which is why you probably see it advertised with chicken, so do not balk at this strange phenomenon. It rather resembles a scone in looks but no jam, sorry jello or cream does one place upon it's fluffy exterior.

No, instead, you use this delightful buttery food product as the English use bread. Tis a lovely treat in gravy, on the side of a good stew or merely as a side plate to your main steak dinner.

And before you shout in horror about a scone being abused in this manner, I should inform you that it may look like a scone but it does not tasteth like a scone. It is bready in texture and fluffy like bready goodness.

Maybe somewhere betwixt a scone and bread roll.

mmm american deliciousness in bready form.

Try before judging

The Countess


  1. i f****** love you. and can pass on said pound cake recipe to the Countess' mother if so desired along with the other recipe.

  2. I will elaborate on a sub-subject in your brilliant post – BEWARE THE AMERICAN ‘TEA’. I have often in a U.S. diner been brought a luke-warm cup of water with a tea bag on the saucer waiting to be dipped in, this is sinful and dangerous to the taste buds. I attempted to educate many waitresses, do try this at your peril..

  3. p.s. biscuits are also a breakfast food. you were down for the count before you could experience that joy.
